The time has come: the third (and at the moment of writing, the latest) chapter of Chizuru-chan Development Diary saga is finally here, raw and uncensored!
Toning down that dramatic tension a bit, “Chizuru-chan Development Diary 3” by Muchakai is the long awaited sequel to our best-selling Development Diary series.

We left the pink heart censorship on the cover page because it looks cute. Uncensored illustration is included on the back cover.
The story of Chizuru’s fall into debauchery continues from the previous issue, only this time the setting shift from the school to a public park. With even more focus on exhibitionism and degradation, the action ramps up when a random guy walk on Chizuru and Tamura doing their SM routine. Has Chizuru fallen so low as to have sex with a total stranger in a public toilet?
I mean, the answer is obvious, considering the genre conventions, but that doesn’t mean it’s any less masterfully executed. We’ve all come to know exactly what to expect from Muchakai, and boy do they deliver.
Just look at these sample pages:
Jump to the store page to see them in bigger resolution.
You might also notice that the artwork look a bit different in this issue compared to the previous ones. We’ve been experimenting with improving the image quality. Gone are the screentones and all the shading now has smooth gradients. Ultimately though, this change’s merit is quite subjective. We’ve heard from some people that they prefer the screentone-y look that the previous Muchakai books had, so we’d definitely like to hear your thought on this.
“Chizuru-chan Development Diary 3” is available in our web store right now.
If you’re a first time buyer, you’ll need to register a new account. After purchasing, your doujinshi will be permanently added to your online library, allowing you to download it immediately or read it anytime, anywhere using our online reader.
No one ever really comments on these updates so I guess I’ll say thanks
Is this image quality change retroactive, or does it only apply to this release?
It only applies to this book.
We were only able to do this because we got our hands on the raws in a different, more versatile format.
Future Muchakai releases should have this new look, though.
New look is great. It gives it a more clean look. If people want the old look still can’t you just have a button that applies it in your viewer settings?
This is not the latest. Please consider releasing his full-color special for this series as well:
Thank you for your work!
That booklet is convention-exclusive, meaning it’s not sold anywhere except on conventions in Japan, not even through Toranoana or other bookstores. Unfortunately, this also means that there’s currently no way for us to bring it over 🙁
I’m confused. Your “About” page says that you work together with doujin artists to bring translated, uncensored, high-resolution digital works to fans worldwide, so couldn’t you just ask Mucha for his PSD files (or whatever he uses) for this particular work? I don’t see why where it was released should matter.
Oh my god, this is one of my fav artist and this is easily his best work yet! thank you so much! can’t wait to buy this! hopefully we see more awesome unc stuff!