Today we bring you another treat from the pen of the master of no-nonsense sex stories, Ashitakara Ganbaru. The heroine this time is none other that the bassist of the Light Music Club, the moeblob herself.
As with Ashitakara Ganbaru’s previous work, in this doujinshi the action starts at the very first page (with a grope), escalates very quickly (to a blowjob and a boobjob), reaches a climax (with a cumshot) and finally resolves with a Moe Moe Kyun~♥. It’s a prime example of a formal dramatic structure and could (should?) be used as teaching tool in Fine Arts educational courses.
There’s a story of sorts in there too, but since a picture speaks more than a thousand words, here are three sample pages to replace a 3000 words essay on the literary accomplishments of this doujinshi:
Higher resolution samples, actual plot summary and a “Buy” button that will allow you to experience this work of art can be found on the store page.