If you’ve read or even just heard about any of the doujinshi from the circle Triangle!, you surely know what makes them unique. No, it’s not high quality colored art made by different talented artist. It’s not straight-to-the-point approach to the plot where no space is wasted on exposition. No, no, no. It’s very descriptive, long titles. So, why would “The Princess of an Otaku Group Got Knocked Up by Bome Piece of Trash so She Let an Otaku Guy Do Her Too!?” be an exception?

We were planning to put a joke here about ‘!?’ at the end of the title, but this cover page has so many good points that it deflect criticisms. Try to find them all yourself.
As with all previous Triangle books, “Otaku Princess”, as we’ll refer to this doujinshi from now on, is produced in full color, this time draw by the talented Hattori Masaki. Not counting the cover, you’ll find 22 colored pages in this doujinshi, containing two full sex scene, and a few more in a montage of single panels.
While the artwork is evidently amazing, what about the story? Well, the plot synopsis is in the title, so we won’t spend much time there. Sufficient to say that the story is not all happy-go-lucky as the cover might suggest, and the main heroine is not written to be particularly likable. Fuckable, yes; likable, not quite.
After singing praises to the artwork, we would be remiss not to share some of it with you. As always, the higher resolution samples are on the store page:
The Princess of an Otaku Group Got Knocked Up by Bome Piece of Trash so She Let an Otaku Guy Do Her Too!? is on sale in 2DM store right now.