After a pair of doujinshi featuring shipgirls, we would like to present you with a more classical fantasy story from Shouwa Saishuu Sensen. And what is a more classical, quintessential fantasy than Dragon Quest?

We know you didn’t even notice there’s a slime with googly eyes on this cover. Two of them, in fact.
You probably noticed the “7” in the title of this post. If you weren’t too distracted by the delicious Fem Hero, you might have also noticed it on the cover page. What’s that all about!? Well, the Benmusu (“Toilet girl”) series started way back in 2011 and has accrued 10 volumes (as of 2017) and a compilation book. Seeing how prolific of a circle Shouwa Saishuu Sensen really is, we decided to start from volume 7 and go forward from there. Otherwise, we would be running the risk of never catching up to the latest doujinshi. You don’t have to worry about missing important plot points though: not only are the volumes mostly self-contained, we’ve included a recap of the previous volumes as the first page of this doujinshi.
With that out the way, let’s focus on what’s really important: bulling the cute Fem Hero that you see on the cover. If you’ve read any of the previous Shouwa Saishuu Sensen books that we’ve published, you’re probably familiar with the light SM theme running through them. While those themes exist here too, they’re a bit less “light”. As a true masochist, Fem Hero ends up enjoying all the bad things that happen to her during the course of this doujinshi, but that doesn’t mean that this book isn’t a bit darker in tone. Getting enema in public, irrumation, a gangbang lasting full six days and various other fun things that happen to Fem Hero are all drawn in meticulous detail.
We’ll bringing even more volumes of Benmusu in the future. The ride has only just started.
Here are a few sample pages:
Benmusu 7 is available in 2D Market store right now! You can also find higher resolution pages there. Enjoy!