It can be safely said that most of doujinshi readers outside of Japan associate the entire medium with erotic content (or pornography, if you want to be more blunt). The content of our site surely hasn’t done much to affect that perception: up to this point, all the books we published featured erotic content.
However, that perception isn’t quite true. Doujinshi without erotic content make huge chunk of the produced content. Some observations even show that up to 90% of booths at the Tohou-centric doujin convention Reitasai falls outside the adult-only section. Of course, those include booths selling home-made character goods (pins, posters, cards etc.), games and cosplay, so the actual percentage of doujinshi featuring erotic content is undoubtedly higher than 10%. Still, our staff has attended many doujinshi conventions during this year and can attest to the large number of SFW books that are being sold there.
Following that notion, we decided that it would be worthwhile to publish a doujinshi without any erotic content, should the opportunity presents itself. After all, our stated goal is to bring quality doujinshi to the international audience, regardless of content. Of course, without the selling point of erotic content, we had to apply stronger scrutiny to all other aspects of the doujinshi (such as art, story, pacing etc.) when choosing what to publish. And with the book that we’re publishing today, we believe that we’ve found a truly amazing piece of independent manga.
2D Market is proud to present you the official translation of the first (and so far only) independant doujinshi by the circle strelka, “Hunt Hunt”. Set in an original fictional contemporary setting, it features detailed art, loveable characters and a quirky sense of humor.
Story synopsis:
30 years ago a rain of meteors showered the Earth and from the scattered meteorite sprung a whole plethora of bizarre fantastical creatures… that just happen to be really tasty.
Follow the members of the Hunt Club as they prepare for their school’s cultural festival. They plan to lure in and trap a bunch of innocent, unwitting young boys… by selling them tasty food. And as their club’s names implies, girls of the Hunt Club hunt their own food.
Enjoy the first doujinshi published by 2D Market that doesn’t contain any adults only material, but makes up for it with story, action, dynamic pantyshots and puns (and maybe a MonHun reference or two).
To get a better sense of the tone, here’s a promo flyer that was distributed at the doujinshi conventions by the authors:
In a somewhat meta contrivance, that’s also the same flyer that is distributed by the characters in-universe to advertise their stand. Here are a few sample pages:
We’re really excited to be able to bring over a doujinshi of such caliber to English-speaking audience. If this experiment proves successful, we’ll definitely look into publishing even more doujinshi without erotic content. Still, currently this is a one-time thing, so our ero-loving fans don’t have to worry about a lack of future content.
As a bonus, after reading the doujinshi, you might be interested in reading the tentative preview for the second issues here. Account is required, but it’s otherwise absolutely free. Second issues hasn’t been completed yet and the author notes that the preview might not reflect the final product, but it looks damn amazing. Of course, keep in mind that this preview contains spoilers for the first issue.
You can buy “Hunt Hunt” in our web store right now.
If you’re a first time buyer, you’ll need to register a new account. After purchasing, your doujinshi will be permanently added to your online library, allowing you to download it immediately or read it anytime, anywhere using our online reader.