Following a domestic episode of the Doronuma Kyoudai’s “A Certain Futanari Girl’s Masturbation Diary” series, we come to the fourth chapter of the saga. This time we get exhibitionism and fun time with animals.
Despite what you might think from that intro or the cover page you can see above, there’s no bestiality in this doujinshi. It’s just that… Tomoe’s imagination goes a bit wild in places, okay? We’re at the fourth chapter, you should have expected this already.
In fact, this doujinshi primary has Tomoe walking around town in the dead of night, dressed in a very skimpy dog hoodie with a dog tail but plug inserted. What our pervy girls does all over town dressed like that, you can probably infer by now. The whole thing takes a bit of a hilarious turn when she repurposes a spring locker on a playground into a masturbation device. By know, Tomoe has pretty much turned into a masturbation specialist. This is also the point where her fantasies take on a zoophiliac angle, but hey, the whole theme of this series is escalation. Note however, that we’re only halfway there: this is chapter four out of eight.
Here are a few sample pages to let you know what’re getting yourself into (higher resolution pages available on store page):
A Certain Futanari Girl’s Masturbation Diary Chapter 4 is available for sale in 2DM store.