It is always nice when authors maintain a level of continuity among different doujinshi that happen to take place in the same setting. Yuusaritsukata manages to do that with their their series of Kancolle doujinshi: while “Summer Love Vacation with Suzuya” establishes Suzuya as Admiral’s “main girlfriend”, the next two volumes have him play around with Haruna and Kashima behind her back. In this volume, “Can You Hear the Sound of the Bell”, all of that comes back to bite him in the ass.

”Suzu” in Suzuya’s name means bell. One time the author puts an actual pun in the title and we just can’t come up with the English equivalent orz
So after catching the Admiral in flagrante with Haruna, Suzuya effectively dumps him (justifiably). After rejecting all of his apologies, gifts and groveling, she finally listens to Kumano’s advice and decides to give him a second chance. Incidentally, around that time, the entire naval base goes to an onsen vacation. So you now that that means?
As for the artwork, Yuusaritsukata has been steadily improving with every book they produce. Since we’ve last saw her in “Summer Love Vacation with Suzuya”, Suzuya has gotten cuter, softer and sexier. Just look at these pages:
Can You Hear the Sound of the Bell? is on sale right now in 2D Market store, where you can also see the sample pages in higher resolution.