For those who have read the title of this blog post and thought we were publishing a SSSS.Gridman parody, our apologies. Though the title of “SSSS.Incestman” would be quite appropriate for this original doujinshi from Akiba Maou, since it’s 100% about a super lewd sister whose brother just can’t catch a break.

Imagine the puns we could have made if the title was “I’m Sure Even God Will Forgive Me If I Have Lovely-Dovely Sex with My Beloved Brother”. What a shame.
Just as the previous doujinshi from Akiba Maou that we published, “Ms. PussyClit”, “Serious Sister Sex Sketchbook” is an original story featuring quirky characters. This time, instead of a milf staffer, we have a sex-crazy sister as the heroine. And we’re not joking when we say “sex-crazy”. She literally goes under the table to give her brother a very assertive blowjob during the breakfast, not stopping even when their mother walks in and sits down on the same table. And make no mistake, this isn’t one of those “oh, but they’re actually not blood related” kind of stories. NO! Look at the text on the cover: it says “Real Sister”. This is REAL incest story with a REAL sister for REAL incest connoisseurs. None of that fake-ass stuff.
When the poor(???) brother tries telling her to put on the brakes, she goes as far as planning about blackmailing him with their photos. It’s like a stereotypical hentai plot, except with role reversal. Leave it to Akiba Maou to bring in the weird factor into an already weird story.
And also to bring in their artwork. Just as with Ms. Pussyclit, the thin lines and soft shading make the artwork appear more realistic, but when contrasted with the very quirky characters, add to the surrealism of the whole experience. In other words, you’re supposed to strap in an enjoy the ride.
“Serious Sister Sex Sketchbook” AKA “Real Little Sister Sexual Intercourse Record” AKA “I’m Sure Even God Will Forgive Me If I Have Lovely-Dovely Sex with My Beloved Brother” is available now on 2D Market store.