Today we bring you the third installment of Yuusaritsukata Kancolle storyline. After the Suzuya and Haruna stories, this time the Admiral has his sight set on Kashima. Be prepared for another sweet sweet story of an innocent girl falling for the Admiral.
Unlike in the last book, poor Kashima has no idea that the Admiral has taken two girls already. So while the overworked admiral (in the typical Japanese fashion) faints from exhaustion, poor Kashima has to nurse him to health… as one thing leads to another, they soon find themselves in each other’s arms going at it.
The author’s amazing breasts make another return and, since we sell our doujinshi uncensored, you can also see how much detail has been given to other parts as well!
What’s really great about this doujinshi is not only Kashima’s amazing twin-tails hairstyle, but also the fact that the sex scenes were drawn with the characters clothed as much as possible. That way you can really appreciate just how amazing the art is, since the clothes twist and turn to match their positions. Just look at these sample pages (or jump to the store page for the higher resolution sample pages):
In conclusion, a must read for everyone who likes vanilla sex and cute twintails girls.
Sweet Sweet Kashima is available now in 2D Market store.