After two parody books, it’s time to bring Aoba Q Madou’s original series back. Milky and Rin, our loveable futanari couple, are back at it again in “Joint Futanari Practice 3”. This time in a hot, steamy environment.

Nice piece of cloth you have there, you two. Wouldn’t it be a shame if something were to happen and the extra page at the end of the doujinshi has you without it?
(We already burned through an offensive amount of “steamy” puns in this release, so we’ll restrain ourselves here.)
As the previous issues have already established, futanari are relatively common in this setting. It should come as no surprise, then, that a local spa that Rin and Milky visit in this doujinshi has three separate bath sections: for men, for women and for futanari. What might come as a surprise, however, is the fact that the insatiable libido is not unique to Milky and Rin, but is in fact a futa gender trait. So when you put a large number of futas in a crowded environment, such as a sauna, and all naked to boot, things… get out of hand easily.
In essence, the futa lust gets into a positive feedback loop and can no longer be contained. But then again, why contain it?
While the previous two books in the “Joint Futanari Practice” series, as well as the spin-off, had a more intimate, personal atmosphere, this one is more open. There’s a certain amount of exhibitionism in here, true, but the overall tone shifts more towards the feeling of communality and mutual sexual acceptance. So on top of that sore feeling in your nether regions, you get a warm, fuzzy feeling in your heart.
Here are a few sample pages for your viewing pleasure. Of course, as this is an Aoba Q Madou book, there are bulging penises on most pages:
Joint Futanari Practice 3 is available in 2D Market store right now.