The first two chapters of Doronuma Kyoudai‘s futanari-centric series focused of the main character, Tomoe, getting all hot and bothered in various situation of her daily life, like commuting or school. A Certain Futanari Girl’s Masturbation Diary Chapter 3, however, shows her in a more domestic environment.

There are actually two cover pages, but you only get this one here. The other was was repurposed as the back cover of our release.
The release of this doujinshi in Japan makes for an interesting story: the first half was published in May 2012, while the second half was published in May 2015. In the three year gap, RED-RUM was busy working for commercial magazines, and published two tankoubons (collected volumes) during this time. What’s fascinating is that, unless you already knew this, there’s no way you’d notice the two halves were published 3 years apart: the story continues seamlessly and the art style does not change one bit.
As for the story, this time we have Tomoe conning her way into spending a day at a relative’s house, all alone. What follows is a roller coaster ride of her commandeering parts of their property to satisfy her lust: from her younger cousin’s onahole, to various foodstuffs, nothing is safe in face of her perversion. We also see her escalating her masturbation techniques and fantasies even more.
There’s even a decent dose of humor in here. We see that Tomoe can be quite a lovable idiot sometimes!
Here are a few sample pages to give you an idea. Like we mentioned, you can’t tell which pages are three years older, even if you were to go to the store page and check them in higher resolution. Continue reading