New day, new release, new circle to announce.
And to make the deal even sweeter, it’s futanari~
Yep, “Magical Girl Semen Training System” from circle PX-Real is exactly what is says on the tin!
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Category Archives: Releases
First release from circle Akuochisukii Classroom: “Full Crew Wipe! Mysterious Primal Beast Shikori-Onahoka!”
It’s been a while since we announced a new circle. Unfortunately, with the cancellation of almost all doujin events in Japan due to the ongoing pandemic, it’s been harder to get in touch with authors. As such, we had to redirect our efforts to online contacting, which made the process slower. But despite being slower, it bore fruit and today we have for you a doujin from the first of several artists that will join 2DM soon.
And boy, do we have a special one for you today!
First release from circle Moon Night Kitten: Dark Elf Schoolgirl Raises Tentacles
It’s time to announce another circle whose doujins will find a home with 2D Market: we’re honored to publish doujins from circle Moon Night Kitten!
We have a whole portfolio worth of doujins to work through, but for the first release, we picked something very special: an original story titled “Dark Elf Schoolgirl Raises Tentacles”.
First release from circle Hibon: Lady Cocknight and Her Princess
Another circle joins 2D Market today, and their debut doujin with us is a sight to behold. Not only is the cover (below) about as audacious as they get, the interior art is beautiful and the story is genuinely interesting. None of that stopped us from putting a pun in the title, though. We welcome circle Hibon and their “Lady Cocknight and Her Princess” to 2D Market!
First release from circle KAZAMA DoJo: Asukappai
Before we start, take a look at the cover below. Let it sink in.
Okay, welcome back. A few minutes probably passed while you were engrossed in those massive mammaries on the cover (canonically, they’re P-cup), but now that we have your attention, we’re going to announce the next circle to be added to 2D Market: KAZAMA DoJo. And their debut work is going to be Asukappai, aptly named that way because the heroines are Asuka and her oppai.
First release from circle Namanamago: A Lil’ Bit Sadistic Murakumo Has Her Fun With Admiral
Ah yes, a new circle! We decided to abandon the old format of announcement posts and just do a write up on a circle when we release their first doujin. That’s why, today we have the first release from circle Namanamago, titled “A Lil’ Bit Sadistic Murakumo Has Her Fun With Admiral”.
Releases Recap: Yuusaritsukata and Sarfatation
All right, perverts, it’s time for another recap about doujinshi that we published during the closing days of the second decade of the third millennium! What is the theme of today’s recap post, you might ask? Well, dear reader, it is in fact, ship girls.

The Gacha Gods are cruel, but the Doujin Gods have your back
Releases Recap: Metro Notes and G-Power
It’s time for another recap post so you can go into the new year fully-apprised of the pile of doujinshi we’ve been releasing during the last days of the previous decade. What’s this post about? As if the likes of you deserves an answer. Who do you think you are, a human being? But… I suppose I can give you a little morsel. I’m starting to feel a little sorry for you. Open wide, sweet piggy: today’s theme is femdom!

Drooling over these covers… pathetic.
Releases Recap: Circle Meat Field and Circle Kleitos!
With this post, we’d like to express our gratitude for threesomes with a pair of threesome-centric releases. Delicious 3P aside, these releases are pretty different. From circle Meat Field we have The Cat’s Pet: a grounded school life Precure doujin with a nice, compact little title and circle Kleitos brings us Vengeful Elf Liselotte 3: Mother and Sister Futanarape for Evil Mental Collapse is an original, full-color fantasy fuckfest with a title most light novels would envy.
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Releases Recap: Circle Kabayakiya and Circle Yuuritsuka!
Some of our releases in 2019 didn’t get a blog post. We’re here now to correct that great injustice. The two doujinshi we’re going to write about today were released in November and in some countries, November is a month for thinking about what you’re grateful for. Releases Mom in the Mirror by circle Kabayakiya and Midnight Cranes by circle Yuusaritsuka remind us to be thankful for the endless pleasures of a pair of big, squishy, warm titties. And for parody doujinshi.

Dear Lord, thank you for a bountiful boobie harvest.