Today we bring you the first in a new batch of Shouwa Saishuu Sensen doujinshi, and a full color one to boot. We present you “Dogeza Collection”.

“Dogeza collection” is a 12-pages long collection of short manga stories and illustrations featuring Kancolle characters. Because of that, different parts might feel a bit disjointed. However, there is one theme that connects these stories: in every story one of the girls does a dogeza. For those who don’t know, dogeza is deep bow executed from a sitting position.
“How is that sexy?”, you might ask. “How does that even qualify as a theme of an ero doujin?”, you might add. “How did something like that even made it into the title?!”, you might finish with, frustrated that you weren’t a bit faster and got to ask the first two questions.
Here’s the answer to all your questions:

(That’s Yamashiro’s butt, by the way. She gets bound, hang and ponded on the next page.)
With that out of the way, let’s just add that the ship girls that get the rough treatment in this doujinshi include Yamashiro (as her butt above aptly demonstrates), Kashima, Kinugasa, Tatsuta and Akagi.
This is the first full-color doujinshi from Shouwa Saishuu Sensen that we published, and if anything, it just makes us sad that Hanauna doesn’t draw more of them. Have a look:

Dogeza Collection by circle Shouwa Saishuu Sensen is available now on 2D market store.