New release from circle Aoba Q Madou: Futaman 2: Midnight Futanari Girl

The Aoba Q Madou expanded universe keeps expanding. But it’s not getting any closer to experiencing a heat death. On the contrary, every new entry is hotter than the previous. Did Futaba Yodomu, the artist behind Aoba Q Madou, found a way to decrease entropy through hentai? Are on the verge of discovering a futath law of thermodynamics? How long can we keep this joke running? Reading Futaman! 2: Midnight Futanari Girl will probably not provide you with the answers to those questions, but it’s a mighty good read!
Futaman2 cover page Continue reading

New release from circle Akikaze Asparagus: Momiji Dream Corridor

Momiji Youkai Brothel was our release, back in November, just before we announced new circles and opened the floodgates for their doujinshi, so maybe it got buried in all the new and exciting releases we had back then. We’re here today with the sequel titled “Momiji Dream Corridor”, to shine another spotlight on this amazing doujinshi miniseries from Akikaze Asparagus.

Momiji Youkai Brothel cover page

Original Japanese cover had a bunch of cute pink hearts all over it. Since they doubled as censorship, with heavy heart we decided to remove them.

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New release from circle Doronuma Kyoudai: A Certain Nun’s Anal Masturbation Records ch.2: FutaAna 2

FutaAna 1 has been one of our more notable releases of last year, since it marked the start of another Doronuma Kyoudai series featuring a perverted futanari girl. The “start” part is important since, as the reader of the “FutaOna” series know, half the fun is seeing how far will the lewd hijinks escalate. And with the “perv level” starting relatively low in the first chapter, in FutaAna 2, it’s time to shift into higher gear!

FutaAna2 cover page

The original Japanese title used “✝✝” instead of “2”, but we thought that was a little too much on the nose

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New release by circle Murasakiiro Orange: Rabbitch♥uck

Schezo, coming from a certain puzzle game series, is here for his second appearance, this time with breasts that would be the envy of many a women. No, there are no traps or reverse traps in this doujinshi. Here, Schezo is 100% a girl! Eventually, at least. Introducing another TSF themed doujinshi by circle Murasakiiro Orange, titled “Rabbitch♥uck“!
Rabbitch♥uck cover page Continue reading